Comment Policy

This is a new blog and there are few (if any) comments as yet, but hopefully this will change as (if) the blog gets some traction in the atheist, humanist and rationalist community.

This is a blog run by an atheist, and a strong one at that. I have no problem with theists commenting on posts, but please understand that this blog is not here for your proselytizing or preaching. Engaging in discussion is perfectly fine, but threats of eternal damnation and the wrath of your chosen deity are not welcome. Troll away if you wish, but you'll be wasting time because I will delete any comments deigned to cause upheaval and discord.

My policy is pretty relaxed, please just play nicely and don't engage in ad hominem attacks, attack the argument not the arguer.  Please note that I do not moderate for language in my posts or the comments made by others.  If you're offended by certain words such as fuck, twat, shit, piss and beef curtains, please kindly fuck off.


- Paul