Saturday, April 24, 2010

National Day of Doing What The Hell You Want

Appropriately the National Day of Prayer has been ruled unconstitutional as the government has absolutely taken sides with a religious worldview. The fact that a government sponsored day of support for the Christian faith even happened in the first place is mind boggling. On reflection I think not, it was a Bush initiative after all.
What is it about the simple concept of the separation of church and state that people find so hard to understand? People may disagree with it and prefer a Theocracy in its stead, but we live in a democracy where the law is king. Fight the law if you feel justified, but do so through the proper channels.
The constitution is clear on this issue and trying to sneak exceptions through the back door is disingenuous. There is no case to reinstate the prayer day and arguing for it is going against the constitution as it stands. You may argue that the constitution requires amendment and that the separation of church and state should be dissolved. Argue that and I'll fight you tooth and nail, but you can and do have the right to argue your case. But you do not have the right to flip the bird at the constitution and go ahead with your plans regardless.
I may have a win-win suggestion. The National Day of Prayer could be replaced with a National Day of Reflection. If you want to pray you most certainly can, but if you want to actually do something useful, you can have a think about things and see what you come up with. This idea in no way lends credence to any specific religion, it just simply supports the notion that you take some time out to reflect. And we could all do with some of that, right?

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