Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Didn't See God's Name on the Ballot Did You?

This is exactly the reason why I am a "militant atheist". I don't want to live in a theocracy thank you very much! I don't care which magical daddy in the sky you follow, I will not be an adherent of his or her rules.
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has overturned a state legislation that previously extended benefits to domestic partners. For "domestic partner" read, "living in sin perverted Satanist's".
This law was on the state legislation for only a year before Brewer got her hands on it. Additionally Brewer has eliminated children of domestic partners, full-time students ages 23-24 and disabled adult dependents.
Surprise, surprise, would you believe it, she thinks she's on a mission from the Christian god, "God has placed me in this powerful position as Arizona's Governor to help the state weather its troubles".
In doing God's work Brewer is under the impression that she should enforce bigotry and hatred against those who do not conform to her religious beliefs. This is a sneaky backdoor attack on same sex domestic partners and those living together in "sin" without a god-sanctioned marriage certificate.
This is why only avowed atheists should be allowed to govern.
All elected officials sworn in must include a blasphemous statement about the Holy Spirit to demonstrate their atheist position. As we all know, according to Mark 3:29 "But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation." It is the only unforgivable "sin" and guarantees a place in the fires of Hell.
Only then can we be assured that decisions made about our lives are not based on Bronze Age superstition, but more likely to be based on reason, good judgment and fairness.

1 comment:

Bob said...

Talk about bigotry... Wikipedia defines it thusly: "Bigotry is the state of mind of a "bigot", a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one who exhibits intolerance or animosity toward members of a group."

Yet this blog is designed specifically to denigrate the members of a group, Christians.

So yes, you are just as bigoted as your target. Perhaps more so, because most of them are just naive. You are actively bigoted. Or "militant" in your words.